Saturday, April 28, 2012

Team Members Volunteer for a Great Cause!

On Thursday, April 19th, members of Dynamic Physical Therapy Powered By Pathfinder cycling team volunteered at Positive Spin, a local non-profit "Supporting citizens whose choose to walk, bike, bus, and carpool, for a more liveable Morgantown".  Founded in 2005, Positive Spin provides low or no-cost bicycles to both local individuals and to those in need overseas.  Positive spin also provides work-shops on cycling skills, etiquette, mechanics, and the other various aspects essential to owning and riding a bike for transportation and pleasure.  The shop also does basic maintenance and repairs for a minimal fee.  

 Bicycles provided by Positive Spin are donated by the citizens of Morgantown and the surrounding area.  A large part of the effort to providing bikes to those in need is rehabilitating donated bikes.  For this, Co-founder Nick Hein relies on his own master mechanic skills, and that of volunteers.

This is were the team came in.  Setting aside several hours from training, members of the team worked together to rehabilitate over a dozen bicycles for the up-coming "trade-up" day, where Positive Spin provides low costs bikes for sale and trade.

Thank you to all those team members who came and helped out a great organization provide bicycles to those in need!

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