Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Winter? Summer? I'm so confused...

The last month of the year is here but if you have been outside you may wonder if your calendar is on the correct month.  I know there have been a few days that do feel like December but for the most part it has been more like Spring than Winter.  Also the shortest day of daylight has just passed so before you know it the days will get longer.  I know I feel more motivated to get outside!
I’m sure my collection of hand warmers will not go used because January and February can be brutal here in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia.  I always like the challenge of trying to figure out what layers to wear with the temperature when starting then again two hours into the ride.   Even March can be hard to get miles in on the bike.  Just ask EJ Hubstenberger III how Virginia went last year?
That all being said I cannot wait till team training camp to roll around in the spring. Maybe even Summer when the only cycling clothes you need to worry about are my Dynamic Physical Therapy powered by Pathfinder bibs and jersey.  Well I guess I should not be wishing time away.
See everyone in 2016!

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